Brokered by Lantra, the land-based industries sector skills council, the Sector Skills Agreement (SSA) will tackle industry issues, such as improving business performance and raising the quality of the sector’s new recruits.

Speaking at the launch, Scottish environment and rural development minister Ross Finnie said the SSA would ensure the growth of a better skilled, more competitive and motivated workforce in rural Scotland.

“Historically, the land-based sector has suffered from an image of poor pay and low technical skills and is often seen as a non-academic route for students,” said Mr Finnie.

“There is a lack of understanding of the sector and the many exciting opportunities it offers.”

William Ferguson, Lantra national director for Scotland, said: “Industry impressed the importance of graduates, school leavers and other new entrants to have the right employability skills in order they can ‘hit the ground running’ when they enter the industry.”