The document spells out seven alternatives for balancing logging, recreation, mining, tourism and other uses for the Tongass National Forest in south-east Alaska.

However, the plan has been criticised from some quarters for placing too much emphasis on timber.

In a statement, the Sierra Club said the plan was “an attempt to return to the days when pulp mills indiscriminately cut down over half of the Tongass’s big tree forests”.

However, Tongass forest supervisor Forrest Cole said the agency wants to get away from “business as usual” and work collaboratively with all parties to find a good balance.

“I hope to stabilise outputs in the future so that communities can rely on public lands for their economic well being if they choose.”

  • The Alaskan Forest Service has a new forest chief, Montana forester Gail Kimbell, whose past service includes supervising the Stikine area of the Tongass.