“We are finding that, when we talk to Forest Enterprise and private people, that there is growing opposition to working in woods,” Rod Leslie, of the FC told TTJ.

“Communities around woodland tend to be urban; they don’t like disturbance and there is an awareness over rainforest destruction and that tree felling is associated with urban development.”

Mr Leslie said there was a “real communication challenge” to get the messages of sustainable forestry over to the public.

“We have been very confident in our approach and that lecturing to the public is a good thing – but we understand that it doesn’t always work.

“We are looking at how to better communicate the benefits of sustainable forestry management, particularly given the growing interest in the use of wood as biofuel.”

However, Mr Leslie said it was a challenge for the whole of the forest industry, not just the Forestry Commission.

“While we recognise that there is an issue, and will ourselves be working to improve communication, we will not make it on our own – we need help from the whole of the industry.”