The new narrowband mobile mill, making its Ligna debut, comprises a twin vertical saw and log infeed system, a TVS slab cross-transfer conveyor and an edger, which edges slabs before resawing.
The main cant goes to a single head splitting saw to remove the third side or split the cant. The three-sided cants and edged slabs then pass to a single head resaw or multi-head for conversion.
“The SLP is designed to handle logs from 10-40cm in diameter and 1-3.6m long,” said Mr Vivers. “It’s the sort of material that normally wouldn’t be worthwhile recovering. But the SLP, which runs on 78kW, can be taken to where the timber is and convert previously unviable wood to profitable lumber.”
The whole line costs e60,000 and output is from 30-70m3 per eight-hour shift.
Wood-Mizer also showed its new “scaled down” bandsaw, the LT10 which uses a 5.5kW electric motor.