A further 129 redundancies have been made at troubled shopfitter, exhibition display specialist and joinery manufacturer MICE Group.
Group companies Silver Knight Exhibtions Ltd and Reflections (Shopfitting and Design) Ltd are being closed down by administrators Grant Thornton after attempts to sell the Coventry-based companies as going concerns failed.
The latest job losses mean 189 jobs have now been lost at MICE Group since it went into administration on June 6,, leaving two businesses in the group still operational.
Silver Knight described itself as “the largest custom build specialist in the UK”, working in the field of trade exhibitions, museums, heritage fit-outs, conferences, events and launches.
MICE, which employed 800 workers in the UK and had an annual turnover of £200m before going into administration, has been suffering under a £60m debt burden and was unable to reach agreement with its lenders on the provision of new monies.