Both at its meeting with former minister Barry Gardiner in October 2006 and subsequently in writing, the TTF has in fact consistently supported the government’s wish to tighten its timber procurement policy. We suggested that the best way to do this would be to work with all relevant stakeholders on an accelerated timetable towards the sustainable only policy the minister wanted.

This suggestion was not taken up. The new policy, introduced as part of the government’s Sustainable Procurement Action Plan earlier this year, included a 2009 deadline for only FLEGT licensed timber to be permitted alongside certified sustainable.

It was disappointing that consultation on the policy did not take place in accordance with Cabinet Office Guidelines. This would have given us an opportunity to point out the principal problem with the new approach. Namely, that it would deny from government contracts wood from those companies that were working hard towards verified legal and sustainable production. Nevertheless, we offered once again, in writing, to work with government to help them deliver on their policy without denying access to UK government markets for responsible suppliers. We did not receive a response. We will nevertheless continue that discussion with the new Defra team as well as the many other stakeholders that share our concerns. We all want the same thing and just need to find the best way of doing it.

Another fundamental problem for the government’s timber procurement policy is making it work. This has been frequently highlighted by Greenpeace and was one of the main observations of the Environmental Audit Committee Report last year. Government recognises it has got to do better at this and again the TTF has offered to help to bring that about.

Anyone that knows me, my staff and the TTF will appreciate that the motives imputed to us by Mr Gardiner are justified neither by what we say nor what we do. We will continue to push for what is right for the trade and for the people who supply it.

John White
Chief executive, TTF