The London Hardwood Club has decided to widen its membership to include architects, specifiers and merchants.
The move follows discussions aimed at making the club more valuable to today’s hardwood industry and further strengthening support. It also follows an upturn in monthly meetings over the past 12 months.
“We believe the criteria for joining the club should include anyone involved in the hardwood industry,” said John May, president of the London Hardwood Club.
The club has also started a programme of talks, in conjunction with its market meetings, delivered by guest speakers. Martin Pearce and John Southam of The Timber Show were the speakers at the October 3 event.
Peter Bonfield, BRE chief executive and leader of construction products at the Olympic Delivery Authority will speak on December 12 about the London Olympics’ procurement policy, strategy and logistics as they relate to the hardwood sector.
“We hope that by taking these steps our club will once again become an important place for topical discussion, information sharing and lobbying on trade matters, providing a venue where all aspects of the hardwood industry can be aired, especially with the Olympics on the horizon,” added Mr May.
Places for the December 12 talk are limited. Contact Robin Learmount on 01825 733868 for more details.