A Forest Industries Advisory Board (FIAB) has been appointed to replace the recently dissolved Cluster Leadership Group of the Scottish Forest Industries Cluster.

The board has been formed as part of the Scottish government’s review of Scottish Enterprise (SE) and its priority industries, which includes forestry.

FIAB will work to promote the industry’s agenda and advise the Scottish government, SE and Highlands and Islands Enterprise (HIE) on the sustainable development and economic success of the Scottish forestry sector,

It will also form task-focused working groups to support and deliver the outcome of its work.

Appointed members include Alexander Brownlie, group director at BSW Timber; Tom Bruce Jones, director at James Jones & Sons Ltd; Steve Lavery, managing director at Tilhill Forestry Ltd; Hamish Macleod, joint managing director of Howie Forest Products; Colin Mann, managing director, Scottish Woodlands Ltd; Richard Palmer, commercial director at A W Jenkinson Forest Products; Bob Stubbs, a consultant; Dr Ed Suttie, from the BRE; Fergus Tickell, managing director, Northern Energy Developments Ltd; and George Webb, group purchasing manager at Norbord Ltd

FIAB will also include representatives from ConFor, SE, Forestry Commission Scotland and HIE.