Tembec has resigned from the Ontario Forest Industries Association (OFIA) after what it described as a “series of inappropriate tactics by OFIA”.

The company took the drastic action after OFIA issued a press release about a meeting between industry officials and the Ontario minister of natural resources which Tembec said contained quotes from people who had not attended the meeting. The subject had revolved around the Endangered Species Act (ESA).

“The minister had invited a number of industry representatives in to discuss a range of issues, including the ESA,” said Tembec CEO James Lopez.

“To take this constructive approach by the minister and have individuals and groups that were not even present use it in an effort to create public pressure is not an approach with which we want to be associated. We cannot condone violations of good faith and efforts to apply undue public pressure.”

Tembec also referred to “other actions taken by the OFIA” in its reasons for resigning membership.

Other OFIA members include the likes of Weyerhaeuser, Norbord and Abitibi-Consolidated.