The Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) predicts that Forest Stewardship Council environmental certification will cover 7 million ha of forestry in the Congo Basin by 2012.
The WWF reports that currently FSC certification covers 1.2 million ha in the region, with forest concession holding companies involved including SEFAC, Transformation Reef Cameroon, Wijma and CIB.
The environmentalist group says it is now working to persuade other companies to move towards certification via its Central Africa Forest and Trade Network. Its target is for 50% of all ‘production forest’ in the area to be certified.
Besides the 7 million ha of FSC certified forest, the WWF predicts that by 2012 an additional 5 million ha in the Congo Basin will be “progressing to credible certification”.
The organisation says that improved management will not only safeguard the forest, but also bring economic benefits to the area. However, it maintains that more government support is needed to accelerate the certification programme.
“There is a need for governments to set up enabling conditions that include enacting adequate legislation and enforcement and promoting good boernance, while providing support to responsible forestry initiatives,” said Laurent Somé of the WWF Central Africa Regional Programme.