Norbord has launched a just-in-time delivery service for timber frame manufacturers, allowing them to reduce stock inventories and streamline their operations.

Fastrack Offsite is tailored to allow small to medium-sized companies to order full or half loads of SterlingOSB, Caberfloor or Caberdek to anywhere in the UK within three days.

Norbord said this allows them to reduce their reliance on holding large stocks of raw and finished materials, which can be costly in a time of economic decline.

“Timber frame manufacturers are coming under increasing financial pressure, with housebuilders’ build programmes slowing significantly,” said Andrew Francis, general sales manager at Norbord’s Cowie operations.

“They can ill afford to hold large inventories of raw panel products as well as finished products awaiting call-off from customers.”

Norbord said Fastrack Offsite is available through the normal order routes, with full and half loads supplied by a single source.