In a media-dominated world, the TTBS competes with many other worthy causes for financial support and awareness amongst potential beneficiaries. Our assistance ranges from one-off grants for, say, an orthopaedic bed or wheelchair, supplying a TV and licence, payments towards telephone rental, provision of food hampers at Christmas and Easter and winter fuel grants, making life just that little bit easier for those who have fallen upon hard times.

During my two-year presidency of the Society, my aim is to increase the profile of the TTBS amongst members of our trade. Over the past 18 months I have travelled all over the country to as many trade functions as business and family commitments have allowed. It has been a fantastic opportunity to meet friends, both old and new in the trade, and it has been a pleasure to receive donations from raffles, sporting events and a myriad of activities which have been organised to support the TTBS. It is great this support gives like minded members of the trade a common cause of putting something back into our trade community, but just as important is the fact everyone has a good time doing it!

Also crucial is increasing our awareness amongst potential beneficiaries, and commonly they are long retired and therefore out of touch with the industry, and in many cases too proud to ask for our help despite often being in dire financial circumstances. I would like to increase our profile amongst our workforces, many of whom may have contact with past employees, but are not aware of the TTBS and what it can do for those who may need our help. With this in mind, today’s issue of the TTJ has an information poster which I would be grateful if you would pin on your works noticeboard so your employees may be informed (or reminded) of our presence and gain knowledge in some of the ways we can help. The TTBS is the only charity which is dedicated to helping past and present members of our trade, and I hope you will feel able to support our work.