Sylvatech, a subsidiary of Australian plantation forestry manager Great Southern Plantations, has been hit with more than A$3m in fines for breaching its rights to clear on the Tiwi Islands.

Environment minister Peter Garrett has issued the charges after clearing of native forests between 2004 and 2006, as part of the Tiwi Islands plantation project, encroached on required buffer zones to protect rainforests and wetlands.

The new conditions require Sylvatech to pay up to A$2m for remedial work, as well as contributing A$1.35n over three years to the Tiwi Land Council for use in its indigenous rangers programme.

Work on Tiwi Islands included clearing native forests to create a 26,000ha hardwood plantation on western Melville Island. This stipulated a buffer zone be preserved to protect species inhabiting the area.

“The forestry operator will be required to undertake and pay for comprehensive remedial action,” said Mr Garrett. “I have imposed new conditions requiring measures to remedy the damage done, and for additional and ongoing environmental benefits to the area.”