It seems like only yesterday that we were wrapping up the last issue of TTJ for 2007. Here we are 12 months on and what an extraordinary year it’s been.

This time last year, while no-one was exactly looking forward to 2008 with relish, the pundits were relatively upbeat: the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply forecast continuing growth and the OECD and PricewaterhouseCoopers predicted a slowdown, but not a recession, and a 2009 bounceback.

There’s been a lot of blood on the carpet since then and the concept of a bounceback as early as next year seems so much pie in the sky. However, we should take heart from the fact that, along with the cutback and closure stories, we have also witnessed some truly excellent business performances this year.

For example, as our doors and windows focus shows, timber window manufacturers have enjoyed record sales in 2008.’s September/October sales were up 25% compared to the same period last year, Clearwood UK’s sales are up 20%, Mumford &?Wood’s turnover has hit a record £10.5m and Performance Doorset Solutions has seen a 48% increase in business this year.

It’s true the window sector can tap into the relatively healthy RMI market, but companies in other areas of operation have also managed to swim against the tide. Wolf Systems tells us it’s added to its customer base and increased sales of its metal web floor system by 35%, while a Canadian manufacturer of a new spray coating technology designed for the timber construction market is so confident he’ll do good business in the UK that he’s opening an office here in a couple of months time.

He says that his company has just had its best year to date despite – or perhaps even because of – the global downturn. His experience is that customers are looking to add value to their own products in order to differentiate themselves from and steal a march on their competitors.

One thing he knows he’ll have to do when he gets here is market his product and promote his brand because, as Roy Wakeman says, if you’ve got a strong product and a strong brand you’ll pull through.

On behalf of everyone at TTJ, have a happy Christmas and here’s to pulling through in 2009.