• Last year the NHLA launched a new internationally-oriented image.
• The organisation works with The American Hardwood Export Council to promote American hardwoods worldwide.
• It has launched a Shanghai office to serve Chinese and other South-east Asian markets.
• NHLA inspectors will travel the world to offer American hardwood grading training and resolve disputes.

“Strong roots, global reach” is the new slogan of the National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA), North America’s largest and oldest hardwood trade association.

Introduced last year as part of an image and brand change for the organisation, the statement defines a mission and purpose that will serve our members well as our industry moves into a global market.

The NHLA was founded in 1898 to establish a uniform system of grading rules for the measurement and inspection of hardwood lumber. Today, it serves domestic and overseas members and, in line with the world moving to a more connected economy, it is committed to increasing its international presence. To accomplish this objective, it will continue its strong partnership with the American Hardwood Export Council (AHEC) for general North American hardwood promotion around the world. Through the efforts of AHEC, NHLA has been able to provide members with the opportunity to expand sales worldwide, and upgrade and translate NHLA publications.

Shanghai office

To further increase international awareness and member services, NHLA also opened its first overseas office on January 12 in Shanghai, overseen by Bob Sabistina, whose previous posts include training school director and NHLA chief inspector. Having an NHLA representative there will demonstrate to Chinese and South-east Asian partners our dedication to their markets, and our commitment to quality and service. It will also allow NHLA to offer more advanced educational programmes and assist both buyers and sellers in dispute resolutions should the need arise.

NHLA inspection services are not limited to North America and China but are available throughout Europe as well. As the industry and association grows on an international level, we are prepared to send inspectors wherever the need arises. Inspection services will be able to spread knowledge and understanding of the NHLA rules, conduct quality checks and handle claim disputes thus providing an enforcement of NHLA grades; something that will be critical as North American hardwoods are exported into new markets with limited grade knowledge.

The 2009 NHLA Annual Convention & Exhibit Showcase , held in Boston, Massachusetts from September 30-October 3 will further underline its international objectives. Known as the “global gathering of the hardwood community” the convention provides attendees with numerous networking opportunities and will again feature a new event started in 2008, the international buyer “meet and greet.” This is a wonderful opportunity to begin business relationships with NHLA members looking for export opportunities. In addition, international media will once again be invited to join us in Boston. To learn more visit

New brand

NHLA is committed to our new brand and refocused message and is constantly evolving to meet its members’ needs. In an address to members and 2008 convention attendees, newly elected NHLA president Ted Rossi expressed his passion and vision for the future of NHLA. “I am privileged and honoured to lead this Association and continue the programmes and initiatives that will guide us into the global marke tplace,” he said.

NHLA members represent all areas of the hardwood industry; suppliers, distributors, manufacturers and end users around the world. International companies who are involved in any part of the hardwood industry can learn more about the organisation and how membership can benefit their company and overall success by talking to an NHLA representative at trade shows, by attending the annual convention or by visiting A full list of trade shows that NHLA is attending can be easily accessed online or in Hardwood Matters, the NHLA’s monthly magazine.