Leading Finnish wood products corporations have established a broad-based research organisation called Finnish Wood Research Ltd to stimulate renewal of the industry.

The company has been set up by Ekovilla Ltd, Metsäliitto Co-operative, Ruukki Yhtiöt Ltd, Stora Enso Timber Ltd, Tikkurila Ltd and UPM-Kymmene plc.

Its mission is to initiate research and innovation programmes, channel research funding and international research co-operation within the wood products industry.

Focal points of its innovation activities and potential sources of new development opportunities include environmental performance of wood, wood construction and the energy-efficiency of building, opportunities of bioenergy, business innovations, new products and services, plus future production technologies and research in support of standardisation.

Shared research activities have already been launched. while the search is on for a managing director for this new organisation.

The organisation is actively looking for new partners both from within the industry.