Applications to build new private homes were 72% lower in the three months to the end of February compared with a year earlier.
The NHBC said 7,931 private housebuilding applications were made during the period.
“With the number of applications to start new homes in the public sector remaining broadly consistent in recent months, our statistics suggest that housebuilders are increasingly relying on public sector work in the downturn,” said NHBC chief executive Imtiaz Farookhi.
“However, with public spending continuing to be squeezed, much greater intervention is required to increase building in the private sector, in particular encouraging private sector housebuilders to participate in joint delivery schemes, such as those proposed by the Homes and Communities Agency.”
NHBC received 14,537 applications to start new homes in the combined private and public sectors in the three-months to the end of February – 59% lower than the same period a year ago.
The average number of daily sales of new homes in the UK from December 2008 to February 2009 was 333 – 37% lower than a year ago.