Despite the economic turmoil that is still affecting the UK there are still business opportunities for forward-looking companies to make good profits out of supplying their existing customer base. Opportunities arise from adding value to what you already do for your customers so they perceive they get better choice and better service at more advantageous prices than they currently do. Processing of timber is one area where profit-making opportunities still exist.

None of us in the trade will dispute the increasing popularity of timber in building and renovation but to maintain this upward trend we must collectively ensure we offer the right product at the right price. The right product is not only the selection of the raw material but it is also the machining quality, the correct quantity and the promptness of delivery. In days of old nobody was really interested in small volume, utterly bespoke mouldings required on short lead times, for instance, but this is exactly what we have in the market today. This ‘I want to be that bit different’ attitude needs to be matched by a ‘can do’ attitude from our trade.

Moulding opportunities

Production of bespoke quality mouldings is one sector where there is still scope in the market for additional efficient players. Benefits to your business will be immeasurable but potentially very significant – improved margins on bespoke products that nobody else in the area wants to do, orders for additional product because you provide the special and the standard together, increased turnover and a boost to your reputation as you become known as a ‘can do’ supplier. Maintain quality and service and you will find the best advertising of all – word of mouth – will work for you. And putting it all into practice is not difficult.

Technology has moved on in leaps and bounds so that today small orders required quickly and in perfect quality are an ideal profit-making opportunity for mouldings producers. Put to one side the traditional skills required to grind cutters free-hand, make intricate profile templates or set old machines with battered samples using length after length of material until the dimensions are correct. Investment levels lower than the cost of a luxury car will see a new generation quick-setting moulder installed that will earn money for years to come.

Ease of operation

Neither the technology nor the skill level now required to produce top class mouldings is daunting. Our latest moulders, for instance, walk you through the setting process so that any capable operator can set and safely run one in minutes. And our policy is to offer a solution sale, which not only includes the machine itself but also advice on tooling, back-up and support, training and technical advice on all aspects of wood machining.

Additionally, think of complementary activities to producing moulded product. Years ago one privately-owned mouldings producer bought a push feed cross-cut saw from Weinig – ‘don’t know why I am buying this because cross-cutting is such a hassle’ he said. But there was a market not just for producing mouldings but for producing them cut-to-size. With the correct equipment it was not a hassle, but a positive service his competitors could not see. He is now the proud owner of four of our cross-cut saws in addition to his four Weinig moulders.


Cross-cutting is an often overlooked service and modern cross-cuts will cut faster, more accurately, with less waste and with greater safety than any other means. All market sectors are targets whether it is material for pallets, beds, stud walling, garden buildings, decking or engineered product such as glulam or I-beams. The range of saws available is based on a modular principle where a simple saw can be enhanced by options to incorporate optimising, defecting and product identification. Challenge your salesforce to add value if you have the right equipment!

So where will the future take us? Without doubt major mills will continue to supply the major outlets in their own market segment, but there will always be room for those regional and local suppliers with that ‘can do’ attitude who can produce best quality product from modern machines on time and in the right quantity.