• IT solutions can help generate efficiency and revenue.
• They also help companies concentrate more on their business.
• Barlow & Sons installed ADP’s K8 software last year.

No-one needs to be reminded that businesses across the UK and around the world are facing challenges in this difficult economic climate. Mounting pressures to maintain, if not boost revenues, safeguard profits and keep costs down, require more to be done with less and the business to be run more efficiently.

With much at stake, making the right, sometimes very tough decisions requires having the right information at the right time. It is vital that businesses get maximum value from expenditure and this includes IT investment.

Difficult trading conditions force us to focus on where improvements need to be made in our business – how can we sell better, stock better, reduce waste, manage margins or remove duplication? Good IT systems should help answer these questions.

Barlow & Sons, based in Hermitage, Berkshire, a family-run business supplying a range of timber materials, reviewed its business processes a couple of years ago and as a result implemented the ADP K8 business management system across the two-branch operation. This went live in April last year.

“Choosing K8 was definitely a good business move,” said proprietor Peter Barlow. “It enables us to spend more time focusing on this service and how things can be improved to benefit customers.

“Its ability to provide instant access to information is saving a considerable amount of time, for example in the stock control module which generates suggested purchase orders automatically. Being able to trade inter-branch very efficiently has also made a big difference in time saving and increasing service levels, and we’re able to optimise stock more successfully.”

Early benefit

Another early benefit came from the various pricing options available. Mr Barlow said the previous discount system could only handle a single tier whereas K8 can be altered for different product ranges, which has had a positive effect on profit margins.

The OMR (Order Margin Review) feature shows held orders awaiting price or margin approval before being released for invoicing. This ensures that correct prices are used and margins are protected while eliminating the time and effort in making the necessary corrections later.

K8 has also automated is the ability to accept the import of suppliers’ price lists. This has saved a significant amount of time. Price increase dates can be entered on receipt and only to take effect on the due date.

In the current climate particularly, businesses are appreciating the significant role that management software can play. When trade is tough, having accurate, up-to-date information at the click of a button can make all the difference and help businesses become more efficient and profitable, even if other pressures exist.

And recessions don’t last forever, so it’s also important for enterprises to be prepared for the recovery and consider how procedures can be improved to make the best of the opportunities.

ADP Commercial Systems managing director Ian Bendelow said providing customer support at any stage of the economic cycle was paramount. “When businesses go through tough times it is important not to face the position alone. It is about working together for mutual benefit. We take every opportunity to help our customers appreciate that our products and services are designed to improve their revenues and profitability, to make their processes more efficient and support customer retention.

“Our task remains to work closely with them, to understand where improvements can be made and propose a solutions that will bring fast, effective results and investment payback.”