Accsys Technologies reported substantial interest in its Accoya modified wood product during the World Conference on Timber Engineering in Italy.

The company exhibited Accoya at the conference and test sample requests were received from American, Brazilian, Canadian, Chinese, Japanese, Australian and New Zealand universities, in addition to a number of enquiries from European institutions.

The conference, attended by 650 people, serves as a forum for dialogue between engineers, technicians, researchers and managers, with delegates discussing new technology advancements and developments in the industry.

“National and regional procurement agencies at the conference confirmed that timber has a positive reputation due to its green credentials and aesthetic qualities,” said Accsys head of product development John Alexander.

“The flexibility of timber was also recognised as a benefit by these groups.”

Building professionals’ perception of durability as a drawback to using timber was challenged, while an extensive range of applications was examined, including use of timber in hydraulic, multi-storey and composite structures, in historic buildings and in bridges engineered for earthquakes.