More timber bearing the grade stamp “RS C16”, an Ireland-only specification, has been discovered in the UK, this time at a merchant’s in East Sussex.

BM TRADA said the discovery demonstrated that the initial finding of two packs of the RS C16 graded material in Inverness was not an isolated example.

The organisation told TTJ that the lack of information coming out of Ireland to clarify the issue was frustrating.

TTJ contacted the East Sussex merchant about the discovery of two packs of the material at its yard.

A representative said suspicions were raised due to the poor visual quality of the timber when it arrived and on further investigation the RS C16 grade was noticed.

The company, which said the packs had been a trial load, contacted BM TRADA for advice and has since had a meeting with its importer on site. The importer has agreed to take the timber back.

“I have told the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI) that the incident in Inverness was obviously not an isolated incident,” said BM TRADA’s Bob Foster. “I’ve told them something needs to be done and the material needs tracking down.”

He said the NSAI had told him it was holding “serious discussions” about the issue.

“We do not know what the connection is with the timber found in Inverness but it’s unlikely to be the same importer.

“The concern is the timber will be passed around the trade and sold on and then used as a true C16 grade in construction.”

Mr Foster said evidence suggests that the RS C16 Irish domestic grade was more akin to C14 than a true C16 and might not be fit for purpose in a structural application.