The most comprehensive single guide to health and safety in the woodworking industry was launched yesterday at the British Woodworking Federation’s (BWF) annual Member’s Day.

BWF president Ian Purkis said the new Health and Safety Guide was a response to the increasing complexity of law surrounding health and safety.

“According to the latest statistics from the HSE, the major accident rate for woodworking is more than 17% above the manufacturing industry average,” he said.

“Every serious incident typically costs employers more than £17,000, let alone the huge time demands, impacts on insurance premiums and on corporate reputation.

“This guide can help companies address all these issues and will be particularly important for smaller joinery businesses that do not have the in-house resources of larger firms.”

The new publication revises the 2006 version of the popular Health and Safety Guide. It covers all relevant regulations and key issues such as fire, electrical and machinery safety to training, welfare, working at height and the protection of young people.

Contact the BWF’s Michael Lee on 0844 209 2613 for further information.