You can normally tell an event is successful when you find it difficult to get to talk to the right person on a stand because they’re always busy with prospective customers.

This was certainly not the case with Ligna two years ago, when the woodworking technology market was in the doldrums, but this year stands were abuzz with activity and money was changing hands.

Judging by the copious quantities of currywursts being consumed, visiting sawmillers, joinery companies, timber frame house producers and furniture manufacturers were much happier with life and ready to spend again.

And the figures from organiser Deutsche Messe bear this out – a 13% increase in visitors to about 90,000.

“This is a truly outstanding figure,” said exhibition director Stephan Kühne. “The Ligna slogan ‘making more out of wood: innovative, efficient, trendsetting’ proved persuasive for visitors and exhibitors alike. This Ligna has provided added momentum to the upswing in the international wood and forest industries, which are clearly demonstrating new drive and vigour.”

There was a 26% increase in visitors from abroad, with foreigners accounting for 40% of all visitors.

Many more British voices could be heard in the halls and Deutsche Messe confirmed that UK representation among visitors was indeed much higher.

There were 1,765 exhibiting companies from 52 countries, and the number of purchase orders signed was up 30% on 2009.

Mr Kühne reported an excellent response to the keynote topics of lightweight construction, surface finishing and bio-energy from wood.

“On the first two days alone we had 10% more foreign visitors at our stand than last time,” added Weinig spokesperson Klaus Müller. “There was a genuine sense of optimism in the air among businesses and customers alike.”

“The mood in the woodworking industry is very positive and the preparedness to invest money has increased enormously compared to the last Ligna,” added Vollmer CEO Dr Stefan Brand.