About 750,000m³ of timber was felled by storms at the end of 2011 in Södra’s members’ areas, according to an inventory by the group.
Södra said the numbers were modest compared with storms Per (2007) and Gudrun (2005) which blew down 16 million and 75 million m³ respectively.
It said the windblow represented around 10% of southern Sweden’s annual felling, with Södra’s southern region being the hardest hit with about 350,000m³, followed by the western region at 300,000m³.
“The forest areas on Sweden’s west coast, in northern Skåne and western Blekinge were the most severely affected areas,” said Håkan Svensson, Södra director of forestry.
Södra expects to accommodate the harvesting of windblow volumes within its normal operations. It has extended an offer to members, making it easier for forest owners to sell all their storm-felled timber.