Strong Roots. Global Reach. Just a few years ago, the National Hardwood Lumber Association (NHLA) adopted those two phrases as a tag line to accompany our new logo in an effort to convey our core attributes; and nothing could be more fitting.

Strong Roots. The association was founded to help traders of hardwoods establish a universal system for grading lumber. With the onset of the 20th century, lumber was shipped to buyers sight unseen for the first time, and the industry needed a way to assure their customers that they would receive the quality of material expected. Out of that dilemma a hardwood lumber grading system was formed and thus NHLA. Over the years, rules changes and additions were made and the current Rules for the Measurement & Inspection of Hardwood & Cypress handbook now nears 100 pages. In order to apply those rules, the industry developed the NHLA Inspector Training School, which now boasts more than 7,100 graduates.

Global Reach. As the export markets have taken an increasingly dominant role, the industry has begun to expand the use of the NHLA hardwood lumber grading rules to all countries around the globe. NHLA has taken the lead in the expanded use of the rules by working with The American Hardwood Export Council to teach short courses and bring the details of the inspection grades to world markets. In recent months, the NHLA has strengthened that commitment by placing a full-time lumber inspector in China, and expanding the range of the domestic Inspection Services Team to travel throughout the world. These NHLA inspectors are available to teach the hardwood lumber grading rules and evaluate lumber based on the rules that have been time tested.

Also part of the NHLA lumber grading rules is the time-tested Sales Code, designed to help standardise sales practices and lay the groundwork for resolving disputes. As part of the NHLA’s global reach initiative, the board of managers approved a new partner category for companies headquartered outside of North America, ensuring that we truly are an international association.

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