The company, set up in 2011 by Andy Craig and Simon Feeney (both ex-Lathams), started out in leased premises in South Luffenham in Rutland, but in August it moved 10 miles to its own site on the New Mills Industrial Estate in South Witham.
“The opportunity came to purchase the premises and it looked like a good investment, so we decided to go for it,” said Mr Craig.
The site has 12,000ft2 of warehousing and surrounding land for further future development.
The company imports American and European hardwood and laminated redwood direct, and tropical species via agents, with a range of end-user customers, from door and joinery producers – buyers of paint grades from sapele, to tulip wood and, particularly recently, CND beech – to users of less mainstream species, such as US red alder and ‘music ash’.
Mr Craig is optimistic about the future trade and is considering recruiting another sales person to its seven-strong team.
“The first couple of months of the year were tough, but since then we’ve seen a general improvement, in line with media reports of the pick-up in the economy generally,” he said.
“August was pretty good for us, even with the disruption of the relocation, and we’re hoping for continued improvement in the coming months.”