The Timber Trade Federation’s (TTF) Responsible Purchasing Policy (RPP) annual report predicts that 91% of all products sourced by its members were certified in 2011.
This is up from 41% in 2007 and 89% in 2010.
The forecast for 2011 (final figures not yet formulated) is that 45% of all hardwood products were certified, up from 36% in 2010.
Panel products certification levels were up to 75% last year from 68% in 2010.
Softwood certification levels remain consistently high at 98%.
The TTF said its mandatory requirement for members to conduct environmental due diligence in 2010 has increased the number of companies disclosing purchasing data and risk profiles, enabling sufficient data to be collected on panel products for the first time.
All TTF members have met their due diligence requirements, but the quality of disclosures was "variable" and in 2010 104 disclosure reports were usable. This is up from 60 in 2009.
The 2011 forecast for purchases from unmanaged risk sources was 8% for all products (2010: 10%), 44% for hardwood (2010: 51%) and 23% for panel products (2010: 30%).
"This report shows that the RPP system and the disclosures made to the TTF have played an important role in bringing about greater transparency in the timber supply chain," the TTF said.