From July 1, 2013, all UK manufacturers of windows, external doors and any other construction product covered by a harmonised European product standard, will be required to CE mark their products.

Work is also under way on standards for internal doors, fire doors and stairs, meaning they will also require CE marking soon.

"Manufacturers on the Continent have been CE marking for years, so it’s crucial that UK businesses don’t miss their cue and are able to meet their obligations on time," said BWF chief executive Iain McIlwee.

One of the key requirements is a written Factory Production Control (FPC) system which details the manufacturer’s procedures to maintain quality and records of non-conforming products, processes or materials.

The BWF has put together a template manual that can be adapted to members’ businesses.

BWF technical manager Kevin Underwood said establishing a written FPC system did not have to be complicated.

"Our manual comes complete with written guidance notes on adapting it, but it isn’t something you can simply print out and stick on your shelf. We will happily provide member firms more assistance if they need it," he said.

The only exemptions to CE marking are products made to bespoke, "non-series" specifications or made in a traditional, non-industrial way for heritage projects.

"In the case of a window manufacturer, for example, it is likely you will be required to CE mark even if you are changing the size of the window, or the position of casements, mullions or transoms," said Mr Underwood.

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