The change follows seven years of the Proforest consultancy running the programme since its inception by Defra in 2005 and comes shortly before the introduction of the EU Timber Regulation in March, 2013.

Efeca, which has completed sustainable timber consultancy work with the likes of Kingfisher and Home Retail Group (Homebase/Argos), is taking on the CPET management as lead delivery partner in the LTS managed Forest Governance Markets and Climate Framework consortium.

CPET provides advice, support and communication on the government’s timber procurement policy, the EU Timber Regulation and Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade regulations.

CPET’s service is also now being expanded to cover palm oil and sustainable woodfuel.

"We would like to thank Proforest for the excellent CPET service they have provided over the last seven years and look forward to working with Efeca-LTS as the new contractors," said Jonathan Tillson, Defra’s deputy director sustainable products and procurement.

Proforest director Neil Judd said Proforest was proud to have worked to establish CPET as a global benchmark for effective implementation of sustainable public procurement programmes.

Efeca managing director Emily Fripp said the company was delighted to have the opportunity to further expand CPET’s service.

Patrick Abbott, managing director of LTS International said the profile of CPET was set to grow with its extended scope.