Fresh concerns about the quality of some marine plywood have prompted the Timber Trade Federation (TTF) to issue a guidance note about standards required for the products to be described properly as marine plywood.

The TTF said it had held talks with members about recent cases of marine plywood product quality, but it was also using the opportunity to remind the trade of requirements in light of the upcoming EU Timber Regulation (EUTR).

Nick Boulton, TTF head of technical and trade policy, emphasised that it was not sufficient for buyers to rely on the marking “marine ply”. He said merchants and those further down the supply chain needed to ask questions and check products properly, specifying and asking for evidence of marine plywood adhering to BS 1088:2003 (Marine Plywood).

The standard features requirements on veneer durability, number and thickness of plies, manufacturing defects, bonding quality and full marking (including species used).

“Traders, particularly in the plywood industry, have to understand that their products are going to be looked at first in the EUTR because it is not easy to identify what species they contain,” he added.

“There are sources for durable veneers but they’re becoming less available,” said Mr Boulton.

“We are now increasingly looking at plantation species and they have to be able to demonstrate their durability.”

Mr Boulton said eucalyptus grandis did provide good performance but added that not all eucalyptus variations were as durable.

To see the TTF’s latest guidance on marine plywood requirements visit